
Special Sessions

Students in Action

Chaired by Dr. Valery Godinez

(Mistras Group, Princeton, US)

During the last Assembly of the European Working Group on Acoustic Emission Testing, the EWGAE awards regulations were approved. The first edition of these awards will take place at the 34th EWGAE2020 conference. Between them, the Student Paper Award is presented to one or more students to recognize their outstanding academic achievement in a research project dealing with some aspect of acoustic emission technology, which may range in scope from fundamental research to industrial applications. The award will be evaluated based on the paper submitted by the student to the EWGAE conference, but also with the quality of his/her oral presentation. For this, this special session Students in Actions will gather all the presentations of the students who have presented their candidacy for the prize. The presentations will take 15 minutes plus 5 minutes for questions. Candidates are encouraged to prepare a clear and impactful presentation of their work, in terms of topic motivation, theory, materials and methods, results, discussions and conclusions. The result of the awards will be announced during the gala dinner of the conference. The prize will consist of 300 €, free conference registration, and award certificate.

Projects in Action

Chaired by Mrs. Nathalie Godin

(INSA-Lyon, France)

The EWGAE2020 conference aims to be a showcase for research, development, and innovations arised from projects in the field of acoustic emission. For it, this Special Session will provide a great opportunity to those responsible or researchers participating in ongoing projects related to acoustic emission that want to show the issues related to such projects, in order to give a more impact and visibility of their results, results and developments. Development projects of the acoustic emission technique itself and innovative application projects, are welcome in this special sesión. Projects within the European framework (H2020, COST, etc.) and other cooperation programs within international consortia are a special target of this special session. The session is also open to national or company projects that are considered high impact in the field of acoustic emission and other methods of non-destructive testing, structural monitoring, continuous monitoring, etc. The presentations are intended to show general aspects of the projects, and not particular results of concrete research, for which the presentations are suggested in the regular sessions of the conference. Each speaker will have 15 minutes maximum for presentation.

Companies in Action

Chaired by Prof. Dimitris Aggelis

(Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium)

In order to give more visibility to all the sponsors companies and provide a greater scientific and commercial impact of EWGAE2020 meeting, this special session for commercial exhibitions to the entire audience of attendees will be scheduled the first day (9 September, 2020). To obtain a greater impact, this session will be scheduled after the opening ceremony of the conference. A maximum of 5 minutes will be given to each company (in random order) during the session. In order to achieve the expected objectives, presenters are encouraged to prepare a good material that, in such a short period of time, shows in a visual and clear way and with great impact (videos, photos, audios, etc.) the most important developments and innovative products. We are convinced that these new products are key for the succesfull development of research and innovation in universities, research centers and companies in the near future.

AE Standardization

Chaired by Prof. Tomoki Shiotani and prof. Yoshihiro Mizutani

(University of Kyoto) / (Tokyo Institute of Technology) /

AE standardization is a topic of great interest for the industry throughout the world. Having rigorous regulations is the basis for rigorous field inspections from the scientific point of view. Preceded by two meetings of the CEN / TC 138 WG7 and ISO / TC 135 SC9 groups to be held in Granada, the 34th EWGAE conference is the ideal forum to show the past, present and future works of these active groups to the acoustic emission community around the world. Works within international (ISO, CEN, ASME, ASNT, etc) and also national standardization entities (JISC, DIN, IRAM; UNE, ABNT, AFNOR, etc.) related with AE inspection are welcome in this Special Session. Each speaker will have 15 minutes maximum for presentation.